
Filling knowledge gaps for the animal feed and pet food industry.

Developing the 12th Edition of the Nutrition Requirements of Swine Report

Since 1944, the National Research Council, and now the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM), has published 11 editions of the Nutrient Requirements of Swine. As the primary reference for developing swine diets, the 12th edition will be a valued resource to feed industry members, their customers and swine nutritionists.

In collaboration with the National Pork Board, National Corn Growers Association and United Soybean Board, the Institute for Feed Education and Research is providing funds to support the revision. IFEEDER has organized an industry member advisory group and provided insight and references for the NASEM expert panel to consider as it revises the report.

In addition to a thorough and current evaluation of the literature on the energy and nutrient requirements of swine in all stages of life, the revision was proposed to address the composition and nutrient bioavailability of a wide range of ingredients and their utilization by swine. The report will include a further examination of the requirements for digestible phosphorus and concentrations of it in feed ingredients, a review of the effects that feed additives and feed processing have on energy and nutrient availability of all commonly used ingredients, and strategies to increase nutrient retention by the animals to reduce environmental pollution through excretion.

We greatly appreciate the generous support from the following industry members.



Berg + Schmidt


DPI Global

Hamlet Protein




We are still raising funds to support IFEEDER’s contribution to NASEM for this work. If the Nutrient Requirements for Swine is an important resource for your organization’s product portfolio, please consider investing in its development. Please contact us today if you would like to be involved in this effort.

When you contribute to IFEEDER, you join industry champions and external partners shaping the future of U.S. animal food.