
Filling knowledge gaps for the animal feed and pet food industry.

Completed Projects

Since 2009, IFEEDER has been developing resources that support the U.S. animal food industry. Many of those projects remain relevant to industry members and our stakeholders. Details about recently completed projects can be found below.

  • ASF Feed Mill Decontamination Study: Completed in 2023, IFEEDER partnered with the Swine Health Information Center, the Animal Nutrition Association of Canada and the United Soybean Board to fund a Kansas State University led study evaluating how feed mill equipment could be cleaned should the ASF virus be discovered at a mill. View the Findings
  • GM-Free Feed Report: Released in April 2022, the study examined environmental indicators (e.g., land sparing, fuel use, nitrogen loss) of using GM versus GM-free corn and soybeans. Then, it modeled handling two differentiated product streams through a variety of scenarios, including at the farm, grain elevator and feed mill levels. Finally, it considered the impact the scenarios would have on the production costs of meat, poultry and dairy foods. View the Report
  • Animal Food Consumption Report: In March 2021, IFEEDER released the results of its research, updating its previous report from 2017, showing that America’s domestic livestock and pets chowed down nearly 284 million tons of safe, high quality and nutritious food in 2019, helping keep America’s food supply chain stable. View the Report
  • Pet Food Report: Released in March 2020, the report examines the ingredients used and the value of those ingredients in various dog and cat food products. The results found that U.S. pet food manufacturers use roughly 8.65 million tons of animal- and plant-based ingredients for dog and cat food to provide the complete nutrition pets need, at a value of $6.9 billion. View the Report
  • Consumer Perceptions of Poultry Production Practices: In 2017, IFEEDER supported a consumer survey that focused on understanding consumer’s behaviors and preferences toward two, poultry-related issues that entail tradeoffs between animal welfare and productivity: the transition to cage-free egg production and the potential for slow-growth broilers. View the Report

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