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There are 6 item(s) tagged with the keyword "pets".

Displaying: 1 - 6 of 6

1. IFEEDER Releases Materials to Support Industry Sustainability Progress

The U.S. animal food industry is poised to collaborate with and address the future sustainability needs of its customers, thanks in part to new tools unveiled today at the International Production & Processing Expo.

Tags: pets, people, planet, governance, toolkit, stakeholders, environment, road map
2. IFEEDER Board Working to Expand Industry Reach

The Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) held its annual Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday to discuss broadening awareness of the value of its research and education initiatives on behalf of the animal food industry, as well as install new Board leadership and trustees.

Tags: pets, stakeholders
3. New Research Project to Investigate Feed Mill Decontamination in the Event of an ASF Outbreak

The Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER), Animal Nutrition Association of Canada (ANAC) and United Soybean Board (USB) have joined with the Swine Health Information Center (SHIC) to launch a research project that will evaluate several methods for cleaning and disinfecting feed mills following a potential African swine fever (ASF) outbreak.

Tags: pigs, pets, stakeholders, environment
4. IFEEDER Launches Industrywide Sustainability Project

The Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER), along with The Context Network, officially launched a project this month to develop a sustainability road map for the animal food industry.

Tags: pets, stakeholders, environment, road map
5. IFEEDER Finds Demand for Animal Food Strong, Despite COVID-19
Tags: beef, pets, dairy, turkey, chicken, data, feed consumption
6. New Research Shows U.S. Pet Food Manufacturers Feed America's Pets and Agricultural Economy, Reduce Food Waste
Tags: pets, people, stakeholders, data, environment, pet food report

Displaying: 1 - 6 of 6

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