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There are 18 item(s) tagged with the keyword "environment".

Displaying: 11 - 18 of 18

11. New Research Project to Investigate Feed Mill Decontamination in the Event of an ASF Outbreak

The Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER), Animal Nutrition Association of Canada (ANAC) and United Soybean Board (USB) have joined with the Swine Health Information Center (SHIC) to launch a research project that will evaluate several methods for cleaning and disinfecting feed mills following a potential African swine fever (ASF) outbreak.

Tags: pigs, pets, stakeholders, environment
12. Evaluating Circular Food Systems Invites Perspectives on Diet Sustainability

Attention to our own health and the health of our planet has given rise to an array of diet recommendations that have advice for optimizing both. Relative to the planet, advocates for reduced meat diets point to the environmental impacts attributed to animal production as a key issue, whereas advocates for meat as a good protein source point to the beneficial role that animal production plays in better soil health and conservation agriculture. Like many concepts, the truth is unclear, understanding the issues around diets and agriculture is complex and many options may be viable, depending on your goals.

Tags: Nutrition, Environment
By Lara Moody
13. Uniting Feed and Animal Protein Production Through the Protein PACT

Consumers today want to see that our food choices have a positive impact on our health, communities and the environment around us. We at the North American Meat Institute (NAMI) believe that eating meat is not only compatible with that goal, it is integral to achieving it - we cannot achieve the sustainable, healthy future people need without meat.

Tags: stakeholders, Beef, Environment
By Guest
14. Valuing Circularity in Sustainable Food Systems

A circular economy seeks to design out waste and pollution, keep products and materials in use and regenerate natural systems. Waste reduction and food loss recovery via the utilization of coproducts and by-products has long been a component of the animal feed and pet food supply chain. As the animal food industry considers its role in climate neutrality and other sustainability outcomes, we must also advance our ability to measure and assess existing processes as well as new technologies.  

Tags: Environment, Circularity
By Lara Moody
15. IFEEDER Launches Industrywide Sustainability Project

The Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER), along with The Context Network, officially launched a project this month to develop a sustainability road map for the animal food industry.

Tags: pets, stakeholders, environment, road map
16. USDA Funds Scientific Collaboration to Reduce Methane Emissions in Dairy Operations

The Nature Conservancy, the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, and the Institute for Feed Education and Research are launching a three-year project to explore innovative feed management strategies that can reduce enteric methane emissions in dairy cattle.

Tags: dairy, planet, stakeholders, environment
17. IFEEDER Board Working to Advance Industry's Sustainability Journey

This week, the Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) held its annual Board of Trustees meeting to review the public charity’s accomplishments over the past year, discuss strategic priorities for the upcoming fiscal year and install new trustees and Board leadership.

Tags: beef, environment, road map
18. New Research Shows U.S. Pet Food Manufacturers Feed America's Pets and Agricultural Economy, Reduce Food Waste
Tags: pets, people, stakeholders, data, environment, pet food report

Displaying: 11 - 18 of 18

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