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There are 9 item(s) tagged with the keyword "dairy".

Displaying: 1 - 9 of 9

1. Should What Matters to Dairy Executives Also Matter to Feed?

In a recent report, McKinsey & Company and the International Dairy Foods Association shared findings from their annual survey of dairy executives. Their responses showed that while dairy executives are excited about the opportunity for growth (expected to be 4% annually through 2027, primarily from cheese and yogurt sales) and product innovation, sustainability keeps them up at night and has moved to the center of the conversation.  

Tags: research, innovation, milk, dairy, stakeholders
By Lara Moody
2. IFEEDER Board Building Buzz on Research, Education Initiatives

The Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) held its annual Board of Trustees meeting Tuesday to discuss broadening awareness of its resources and initiatives that support the animal food industry, as well as install new Board leadership and trustees.

Tags: dairy
3. Calling All Partners, The Time to Engage Is Now

The Institute for Feed Education and Research is making progress on several of its sustainability initiatives. We are wrapping up phase one of the Sustainability Road Map project and will be releasing a sustainability toolkit for feed industry members in January during the International Production and Processing Expo. Another project, the Feed Systems Sustainability Summit, held in September, was a great success and the takeaways are informing actions for the industry and its stakeholders. During the November Sustainable Agriculture Summit (SAS), over 800 representatives from the food value chain gathered, networked and made plans to advance sustainability efforts up and down the supply chain. All of these initiatives are informing IFEEDER’s actions to support feed systems sustainability, and our next steps are taking shape as we prepare to shift to phase two of our efforts.

Tags: Beef, Dairy, Stakeholders
By Lara Moody
4. Industry Stakeholders Convene to Advance Feed Sustainability

The Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) hosted industry stakeholders September 28-29 at Chr. Hansen in Milwaukee, Wis., to collaboratively identify ways to achieve greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and other commitments (e.g., water, land use change, biodiversity) important to the animal food industry and its customers through continuous improvements in feed systems.

Tags: dairy, stakeholders, data
5. Lessons for Feed from Animal Agriculture's Sustainability Journey

Our peers in animal agriculture, that is the farmers and ranchers who produce meat, milk and eggs every day for Americans to eat, must think holistically about the sustainability of their production systems. Beyond their downstream customers’ sustainability reporting desires, they are responsible to the communities surrounding their farms, regulatory agencies monitoring environmental impact and consuming public’s perceptions.  

Tags: Dairy, Poultry, Beef, Pigs
By Lara Moody
6. New Report Examines Impact of Increased Use of Non-GM Feed on U.S. Animal Feed Industry

The Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) released new research today which shows that if more U.S. food companies are to require feed for their livestock and poultry be free from genetically modified (GM) ingredients, then greenhouse gas emissions on farms could rise, grain elevator and feed mill product handling and production requirements would be greater, and the price of meat, milk and eggs for consumers could increase.

Tags: dairy, eggs, data, environment, GM free
7. USDA Funds Scientific Collaboration to Reduce Methane Emissions in Dairy Operations

The Nature Conservancy, the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy, and the Institute for Feed Education and Research are launching a three-year project to explore innovative feed management strategies that can reduce enteric methane emissions in dairy cattle.

Tags: dairy, planet, stakeholders, environment
8. Can Consumer Perspectives Impact Sustainability Actions?

The short answer to my question is: yes! In “Part 1 – Defining Sustainability” of the Institute for Feed Education and Research’s (IFEEDER) webinar series, Kim Stackhouse-Lawson, Ph.D., director of AgNext at Colorado State University, shared an important idea for agricultural sustainability efforts, which is that sustainability is driven by both science and emotion. The recent Journal of Dairy Science article “Sustainability: Different Perspectives, Inherent Conflict” offers insights on consumer perspectives that further confound sustainability discussions.

Tags: Dairy, Consumer
By Lara Moody
9. IFEEDER Finds Demand for Animal Food Strong, Despite COVID-19
Tags: beef, pets, dairy, turkey, chicken, data, feed consumption

Displaying: 1 - 9 of 9

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