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There are 4 item(s) tagged with the keyword "lca".

Displaying: 1 - 4 of 4

1. Feed Innovation Can Lower Environmental Footprints

Feedstuff production on the farm may be a leading source of the environmental footprint for livestock, poultry, horses and pets, but it doesn’t mean it will be the best solution for reducing it. Regenerative agriculture, climate-smart practices and efforts to improve soil health are agricultural practices that receive a lot of attention by stakeholders for reducing t animal feed’s footprint, but I would argue that we must give equal attention to some of the animal food industry innovations in the pipeline that will offer solutions as well.  

Tags: Road Map, Data, LCA
By Lara Moody
2. IFEEDER Seeks Partners for Second Phase of Sustainability Project

The Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) announced today that it is moving forward with the second phase of its Sustainability Road Map Project, which has played a pivotal role in helping dozens of U.S. animal food companies start or advance their sustainability journeys.

Tags: people, planet, governance, toolkit, stakeholders, data, LCA, environment, road map
3. 3 Things to Know About Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) for your Products or Production System

There is a growing interest for animal food companies to better understand the impacts of their operations and supply chains to identify market opportunities and meet expectations of downstream stakeholders. Utilizing life cycle assessment (LCA) tools are a great way to assess the footprint of operations and existing product lines. They can also be used to innovate and seize on growing demand for sustainable products in the marketplace.

Tags: LCA, Data, Environment
By Lara Moody
4. Livestock Feed is an Undervalued Opportunity for Food Companies to Achieve Sustainability Goals

Most of the environmental impact for animal protein is embedded in the feed that animals eat. By reducing feed impacts, food companies have an opportunity to make significant progress toward climate and sustainability goals.

Tags: LCA, Data, Environment
By Lara Moody

Displaying: 1 - 4 of 4

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