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Updating Our Feed and Pet Food Consumption Data

Written by: Taylor Lekin   |   July 1, 2024

Pet Food Report, Feed Consumption, Data, Project Update

This year, the Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) initiated work on a project to update its pet food and feed ingredient consumption reports. The goal is to provide transparent data, quantifying the numerous ingredients used to feed livestock, poultry, fish and pets in the United States. These reports serve as some of the best reference materials available for those discussing matters impacting the U.S. animal food value chain. IFEEDER is the only public charity investing in this kind of research to inform decisions in the animal food industry.

About the Projects

In 2017, IFEEDER enlisted the help of Decision Innovation Solutions (DIS), an economic research and analysis firm, to give the animal food industry a first-of-its-kind, comprehensive analysis of the diverse ingredients used and consumed by domestic animals and livestock. Later, we produced a similar report for the pet food industry, outlining the ingredients incorporated in dog and cat food produced in the United States. Both reports have since been updated, but with the most recent report published in 2021, the time is ripe to provide the animal food industry and its stakeholders with updated information.

About the Research

According to the 2019 ingredient consumption report, U.S. domestic livestock and pets consumed approximately 284 million tons of safe, nutritious food. The feed ingredient consumption report will assess the use of 47 ingredients across 10 animal species, including poultry and aquaculture. The data collection process involves gathering feed consumption data from various regions and analyzing it with the expertise of animal nutritionists. This approach considers diverse agricultural practices and local feed availability, allowing us to develop accurate data on various animal diets. In addition, the detailed reports will break down consumption patterns by different life stages, from juvenile to mature animals, providing valuable insights for the industry.

The results of the most recent pet food report, released in March 2020, found that more than 500 safe and nutritious ingredients are used in today’s pet foods. This research will utilize reverse engineering methodology to determine the ingredients used and the value of those ingredients without uncovering proprietary recipes. The pet food report will also employ the economic multiplier effect to determine the industry’s impact on the broader agricultural community. 

Can IFEEDER Count on Your Support?

For 15 years, IFEEDER has been developing resources that help the U.S. animal food industry better communicate its story to decision-makers and stakeholders looking for credible science and facts on where their feed and pet food comes from. And the ingredient consumption and pet food reports accomplish just that! These reports are used by state and federal decisionmakers, agricultural associations, nongovernmental organizations and the media.

IFEEDER is currently seeking project partners to support this research. As a project partner, investors will have the opportunity to provide input for the project and review results in advance of the official release. Project partners will also be recognized in the final news release, in the IFEEDER newsletter and on the project webpage.

Are you interested in contributing to a more informed animal food industry? Contact us to get involved in the project!

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