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Evolving to Meet the Animal Food Industry's Future Needs Requires Your Support
July 25, 2024
Evolving to Meet the Animal Food Industry's Future Needs Requires Your Support

We all seek to be good stewards and know firsthand that agriculture is inextricably tied to stewardship. We live that on a daily basis. However, considering the high stakes we face on sustainability, including evolving consumer demands and government regulation, all American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) members should lean on the Institute for Feed Education and Research (IFEEDER) as a partner and resource, regardless of where we are at on our sustainability journeys.

By Guest
Perspectives on a Year of Growth
June 6, 2024
Perspectives on a Year of Growth

As I close out my term as chair of the Institute for Feed Education and Research’s Board of Trustees, I am filled with pride and gratitude for the incredible accomplishments of our entire team. IFEEDER has truly become a trusted resource for the animal food industry and our stakeholders. Let’s take a moment to reflect on our successes and recognize the areas where the team has made significant impacts. 

By Guest
Why Supporting IFEEDER Is Imperative for Companies in Animal Agriculture
March 11, 2024
Why Supporting IFEEDER Is Imperative for Companies in Animal Agriculture

In the tapestry of sustainability and innovation, there are stories that serve not just as individual successes but as rallying cries for entire industries. One such unfolding narrative centers around the urgent need for sustainable agriculture—a call that reverberates from the fields to the boardrooms, from rural communities to urban centers. While some players, like Novonesis, have set important precedents, the full story is yet to be written.

By Guest
Evaluating Circular Food Systems Invites Perspectives on Diet Sustainability
January 20, 2022
Evaluating Circular Food Systems Invites Perspectives on Diet Sustainability

Attention to our own health and the health of our planet has given rise to an array of diet recommendations that have advice for optimizing both. Relative to the planet, advocates for reduced meat diets point to the environmental impacts attributed to animal production as a key issue, whereas advocates for meat as a good protein source point to the beneficial role that animal production plays in better soil health and conservation agriculture. Like many concepts, the truth is unclear, understanding the issues around diets and agriculture is complex and many options may be viable, depending on your goals.

By Lara Moody

When you contribute to IFEEDER, you join industry champions and external partners shaping the future of U.S. animal food.