
Informing the animal food industry and communicating our story to stakeholders.

Protein PACT

Protein Pact

The Institute for Feed Education and Research donors recognize that the pressures to comply with climate and sustainability goals are mounting. As a source of reliable information, IFEEDER is diligently developing tools and resources members of the animal food industry can use now and into the future to be successful.

As part of this effort, IFEEDER supports the Protein PACT: a collaboration uniting partners across the animal agriculture value chain in a first-ever joint effort to accelerate the entire sector’s progress toward global sustainable development goals for healthy people, animals, communities and the environment.

Protein PACT partners are establishing transparent baselines and benchmarks for their efforts, setting ambitious targets for continuous improvement, collecting data to verify and transparently report on progress and launching a comprehensive communications plan about animal protein’s unique place in sustainable, healthy diets.



When you contribute to IFEEDER, you join industry champions and external partners shaping the future of U.S. animal food.