
Informing the animal food industry and communicating our story to stakeholders.


The Institute for Feed Education and Research’s agenda is simple: to transparently provide data and information so industry members and stakeholders can make good decisions about feed and pet food.

It all comes down to driving conversations with those who share common goals, where we know we can make a difference. Through research, outreach and cooperative partnerships, IFEEDER serves as an education and communication resource for the animal feed and pet food industry. IFEEDER translates and communicates insights from experts in the animal nutrition field into usable resources and reference points and collaborates with industry peers and stakeholders to enhance and advance information exchange.

IFEEDER is pulling a seat up to the table in conversations where the animal food industry has never been invited before. For example, learn about our first-ever partnership with the World Wildlife Fund.

To make measurable, on-farm progress that advances sustainable feed technologies and practical strategies, IFEEDER invests in public and private research institutions, sparking a dialogue between the animal food industry and those responsible for keeping us sustainably fed in the future.

IFEEDER understands the need for credible, third-party voices who can help us better understand and communicate continuous improvement pathways and build trust with consumers. For almost 15 years, IFEEDER has been developing resources that help the U.S. animal food industry better communicate its story to corporate decision-makers and stakeholders looking for credible science and facts on where their feed and pet food comes from.

Together, we know we can have a positive impact in ensuring accountability, compliance and transparency on our industry sustainability pillars (People, Planet and Governance) to help consumers feel good about their food and pet food purchases.

Learn about our current partnerships and resources below:

When you contribute to IFEEDER, you join industry champions and external partners shaping the future of U.S. animal food.