support us

100% of IFEEDER donations go toward supporting research, education and sustainability initiatives about the animal food industry.

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As a public charity, the Institute for Feed Education and Research’s work to support research, education and sustainability efforts are funded by corporate and individual donations and grants. IFEEDER’s unique and diverse donor base allows us to proactively work on addressing critical issues facing business leaders across the animal feed and pet food industry.

100% of IFEEDER donations go toward research, education and sustainability initiatives. The public charity’s leadership regularly audits and reports progress to donors to ensure they understand their returns on investment and how IFEEDER is benefitting the long-term planning of their business.

To learn more about IFEEDER’s initiatives please contact us via email or by phone (703) 558-3577.


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Current Donor Levels:

Donor Level: Corporate: Individual:
FRIEND below $15,000 below $1,500
SILVER $15,000 – $49,999 $1,500 – $4,999
GOLD $50,000 – $99,999 $5,000 – $9,999
PLATINUM $100,000 – $249,999 $10,000 – $24,999
DIAMOND $250,000 – $499,999 $25,000 – $49,999
CHAIRMAN’S CLUB $500,000+ $50,000+


When you contribute to IFEEDER, you join industry champions and external partners shaping the future of U.S. animal food.